In this reflective poem, William shares his journey through the complexities of life as he searches for his quill and his lost writing. He describes life's stage as a place where shadows fall softly, and he wanders through a labyrinthine hall in quiet grace. Despite the passage of time and numerous challenges—storms, winds, deep valleys, and steep mountains—William's heart harbors a persistent flicker of hope. The quill and his lost writing serve as steadfast beacons, guiding his weary heart through the darkest spaces. The poem culminates with William's resolve to seize the moment boldly and pursue his destiny illuminated by the light of rediscovered creativity.
Upon life's stage, where shadows softly fall,
A solitary soul, in quiet grace,
Doth wander through the labyrinthine hall,
In search of love's elusive, tender trace.
With each step forward, time doth swift erase,
Yet in the heart, a flicker still remains,
A yearning flame that lights the darkest space,
And whispers secrets in the silent plains.
Though storms may rage and winds may howl in vain,
Love's steadfast beacon guides the weary heart,
Through valleys deep and mountains steep with pain,
It leads, unwavering, from start to part.
So let us seize the moment, bold and true,
And in love's light, our destinies pursue.
WWW (05/16/24)
© 2024 William's Words and Wonders (WWW)